Thursday, April 3, 2014

Meet a Member - Arianna P, Week 8

Unfortunately, this week has been so stressful for me. I've had a lot going on, personally and professionally. I am on track to finally do my last semester of school during the summer and student teach Fall 2014. When you student teach though, you pay to work. How does someone pay their bills when they student teach and are not your average undergraduate student who lives at home or in the dorm? Good question (let me know if you have an answer)!

With all of that and other things going on, I did not work out as much as I wanted to. Monday came and I could get back on track. We did this complex or cycle of exercises that were fun (did I just say exercise was fun?!?) and challenging. The complex was a burpee down, rows with weights, burpee up, bicep curl, squat, and a press up. That was one. We did a sequence of 10 followed by 10 jumping jacks. Then you did 9 complexes and 9 jumping jacks until you got to one. My arms were so sore! It's been a while since I felt soreness like that, but it was awesome. I ended up being kind of a leader for a new member. He followed with me and we finished together. He rocked it out and I felt more confident in my abilities, too.

I have found that even when I'm stressed, working out helps. And I haven't let the stress make me make bad food decisions. I still lost 2 pounds this week. Keep on keepin' on!

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