Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The cost of your health

One recurring theme these days is how much everything costs. Gas prices are rising, groceries are getting ridiculous, and family vacations have turned into "staycations." When the economy gets tough, our wallets get tighter.

All of these factors may have you considering getting rid of your gym membership. But before you do, consider the following:
- Overweight and obese people pay an average of $1800 - $3,000 more PER YEAR than those of a lower weight (in comparison, a smoker only pays an average of $1200 more per year than a nonsmoker) according to the Mayo Clinic.
- Forbes found that every 100 lbs of weight reduces the fuel efficiency of a vehicle by 2%  - so if you are a couple that is each 50lbs overweight or more, you are paying significantly more for your fuel.
- The healthier you are, the less work you will miss (CDC). With so many employers paying hourly and getting rid of  paid time off for illness, that can mean a loss of wages.
- Working out makes you feel happier overall, which can reduce or eliminate visits to a therapist and can help you to develop better coping skills.
- Love to travel? One airline has already implemented airfare rates based on weight, and others may soon follow their lead - so the bigger you are, the more you would have to pay to fly.

Finally, if cost still bothers you, consider checking out sites like healthywage.com or gym-pact.com who actually pay you for the workouts that you put in or the results that you obtain. This can offset the price of your gym membership.

Want to explore more health topics? Feel free to become a subscriber of our YouTube channel or visit us online.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring into Spring!

Happy April!

Spring is here, even if the weather may not be cooperating just yet. That means it's an excellent time for some spring cleaning!

At Square One, we are not just a place to work out - we are a community of purpose. We want to celebrate that this month by hosting a special social challenge. Have a bunch of clothes that don't fit anymore? Need to clean out your cupboard and start fresh? We can help!

Bring in your plus size clothing and/or your nonperishable and unopened food items and you will earn a raffle entry for EACH item you bring in - and at the end of the month, we will have a drawing for a FREE 30 minute massage! Just bring your items to one of the trainers, Jess, Marty, Michelle, or Kevin to get your ticket.

All clothing will be sorted and stored for our upcoming May Plus Size Clothing Sale. All food will be donated to Food Bank for the Heartland.

You can also earn an additional raffle ticket by visiting the Square One booth at the Omaha Health & Wellness Expo on April 13th & 14th at the Centurylink.

So dig into those closets or pantries, and let's make a difference in our community!