Thursday, May 21, 2015

Meet a member - Melissa T. - Week #57

22 to 8

May 12, 2015


Thoughts for the Week…

Since I’ve met my weight goal, I’ve been maintaining quite well. I go up a little then down a little, but I’m consistently staying within 2 pounds of my goal weight. Two weeks ago I had 4 stars, 2 smileys, 1 frowny face and 6 workouts and gained 1.2 pounds. I ended this week with 4 stars, 1 smiley, 2 frowny faces and only 4 workouts and lost 0.4 pounds. There are so many other factors that go into losing weight besides eating and exercising that many of us forget about…sleep, stress, and drinking enough water are just a few. My accountability coach has referred to our bodies as one big science experiment. You just never know what really is happening in there!


When I first started at Square One I was wearing a size 22 in pants. The smallest I can ever remember being growing up was a 14. Because I’ve lost so much weight I now have a completely new wardrobe. I buy all of my work dress pants at Good Will. Shirts are more difficult to find at Good Will, so those I have to purchase elsewhere. My latest purchase of pants at Good Will consisted of 2 pair of Ann Taylor dress pants, each for $3.59, in a size 8! I’ve never, ever, ever, EVER been in single digit sizes before. It almost feels too good to be true!


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Get Moving!

  • 20 minute AMRAP
    • 30 squat jumps
    • 20 tricep dips
    • 30 lunges (each leg counts as 1)
    • 20 hands free push ups
    • 30 bag kicks (15 each side)
    • 20 burpees
    • 30 sit ups

Meet a member - Melissa T. - Week #56

Happy Cinco de no Drinko

May 5, 2015


Thoughts for the Week…

On any other May 5, you probably could have found me with some sort of drink in my hand celebrating Cinco de Mayo. On this year’s May 5, that didn’t happen. I’ve been alcohol free since August 15, 2014 (with the exception of 2 occasions). When I go out with friends and decline getting drinks, it’s almost as if they are more uncomfortable about me not drinking than I am. The first 6-8 weeks was pretty difficult, especially during football season. I didn’t go to any football parties for the first several games just knowing that it would be a trigger for me. I finally realized that if I really want to lose this weight then I have to give up alcohol. Not only was I adding the extra calories of many beers on the weekends, I was also adding the extra calories of all the junk I ate once I was intoxicated. And having 2 really high sad face calorie days in a row is pretty hard to bounce back from. I ended my Cinco de no Drinko having a star calorie day!

          Macintosh HD:Users:eturnem486:Desktop:arriba.jpg

Get Moving!

  • Two Rounds
    • 300 single jumps with jump rope
    • 90 squats
    • 80 sit ups
    • 70 push ups
    • 60 push press
    • 50 dips
    • 40 spider lunges
    • 30 burpees
    • 20 knees to elbows (laying on floor with hands behind your head, crunch and pull knees back towards elbows)
    • 1 minute wall Sit
  • Repeat the exercises starting at the bottom of the list and then go back up the ladder.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Meet a Member - Melissa T. Week #55

That Thing Called “Life”

April 2015


Thoughts for the Week…

I knew I was behind a blog, maybe two, but when I went back and actually looked, I haven’t blogged since the end of March. WOW…time flies! Easter happened, state testing at school happened and life happened. Have you ever said, “Life just got in the way,” when talking about healthy eating or exercising? What does that mean? We are all very busy with this thing called “life”, but if we allow it “to get in the way” of a goal we’re trying to attain, we will never reach that goal. We will always have “life” to deal with. If we don’t have “life” to deal with, that means we’ve either just given up or have died! Neither of which we want! Here’s how I handle that thing called “life”:


  1. PLAN! Planning takes time…lots of time! I try to have a weekly idea of what I will make for dinner each evening. If I’m able to cook 3 times during the workweek, hopefully that means the other 2 nights can be leftovers. I find that if I don’t plan for dinner meals, my children will just grab anything and everything they can and not really have eaten anything of substance. (Not a good habit to start and definitely not an easy one to stop.)
  2. Keep committed to workouts! Since I started at Square One, I set aside certain days of the week that I planned to go to the gym. (There’s that word “plan” again.) Have there been days that I haven’t wanted to go? Have there been days I should’ve continued with the giant pile of laundry that’s been sitting there for a week? Have there been days that I was behind on lesson planning or grading and should do that instead? Yes…Yes…and YES! The will ALWAYS be things that you should do, but you need to a) remind yourself why you began this journey, b) remind yourself that you must take time for yourself, and c) remember the negative after thoughts you will have if you break that promise to yourself. Bottom line…just keep committed to workouts!


  1. Stay Positive! We are the type of people who start and quit, start and quit, start and quit. We need to be surrounded by POSITIVES to help us remember that we are worth fighting this struggle! When we are faced with temptations, we forget the positives. We must fight back any temptations with POSITIVE thinking! We can never, ever, ever have too much positive!

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Get Moving!

  • 10 rounds of:
    • 10 burpees
    • 25 squats
    • 25 push ups
    • 10 box jumps
    • 25 sit ups
    • 10 tricep dips