In Train Your Brain this week, Marty
discussed emotional eating. As emotional eaters, when we feel, we eat. You’re
bored…you eat. You’re annoyed…you eat. You’re overwhelmed…you eat. You get home
from work to relax…you eat. Food can be a distracter and give us a boost of
pleasure. However, emotional eating compounds our problems of overeating. How
do we solve the emotional eating problem? First of all label your feeling. “I’m
annoyed, NOT hungry”. “I’m bored, NOT hungry”. Secondly, remember that it is
NOT okay to stray from your plan. It may also help to visualize yourself emotionally
eating and then think about how long that pleasure will really last. Lastly,
remind yourself of why you are on a plan. So today (and everyday), don’t let
yourself stand in your own way of your goals!