Monday, June 16, 2014

Meet a Member - Melissa T, Week 18

Week 18
June 10, 2014
Thoughts for the Week…
·        Despite the fact that I was on vacation all this past week, I still managed to lose weight! Albeit only 0.6 pounds, I am patting myself on my back for not gaining!

·        I spent the first part of our vacation week in Grapevine, Texas with my girls, my mom, my sister in law and my niece at the Great Wolf Lodge. It was SO much fun! And quite a workout too! I climbed the 103 stairs 6 times to the big slides. To keep the children entertained outside of swimming and sliding, Great Wolf Lodge has quests for them to conquer. We did the MagiQuest, which consists of 10 different scavenger hunts throughout the main hallways of the 8 floors of the hotel, getting to each floor using the “Hidden Stairwell”…which means more of a workout!

·        When on vacation eating out is inevitable. In a previous Train Your Brain session, Marty discussed “The Cliff”. We are living on unstable ground (the edge of “The Cliff”). It’s unstable because we struggle with taking full control of our eating behaviors. Taking one bite of something can trigger that BAD switch in our brains that allows us to lose control of our eating, then falling off the cliff into a lapse or relapse. I was very mindful in my eating out choices. Some of my mindfulness included: ordering a burger and not eating the bun, asking for a salad instead of eating an unhealthy side, no mindless snacking in the van while traveling and really looking at the menu for a meal that didn’t just sound good, but was also a healthy choice.

WOD (Workout of the Day)
·        Here’s a workout you can do at home if you aren’t able to get to the gym. The only equipment you will need is a chair or bench for the tricep dips.

o   50-40-30-20-10
§  Squat jumps
§  Ice skaters (standing and jumping like an ice skater from side to side)
§  Laying leg lifts (lay on your back and lift your legs up and down)
§  Tricep dips

Ponder this…

·        I love this quote! It reminds me of when I’ve tried to lose weight in the past but “couldn’t”. And in looking back, it’s not that I couldn’t lose weight, I lacked the skills and tools needed to take back control of my eating, behaviors and my life. SquareOne has done an exceptional job of helping me realize I actually have tools and skills to be successful! Thanks SquareOne!

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