Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Meet a Member - Melissa T, Week 20

Week 20
June 24, 2014
Thoughts for the Week…
·        No weigh in this week because I’m on vacation once again!

·        I went back to my hometown of Cambridge, NE, for their annual Medicine Creek Days. Going home means going to the bar, seeing old high school friends, eating, and usually lots of drinking! Thursday I did very well on the food end of things; but on the drinking side, not so well! Friday I stayed on track all day with food and only drank iced tea at the bar that night because of the 5k on Saturday. Saturday was a free for all. Sunday I was back on track and continue to be on track. So 2 drunken sad faces for my time back home is better than three!

·        About that 5k I said I was going to be in…I didn’t get to sleep Saturday morning until about 2a.m. I had to be up by 7a.m. so I knew I could eat a little something well before I had to run. I could NOT sleep that night. Constant crazy dreams about racing and not waking up in time filled my 5 hours of sleep. I got up on time though, ate a little bowl of cereal, and headed to the start line. It was raining a little and lightning. By the time 8:00 rolled around, the rain had dissipated and we were on our way.

·        The started gun was shot and I turned on my Run Keeper app that keeps track of distance and time. My goal was to complete this in 40 minutes or less. I wanted so bad to check my time along the way, but I knew that would only slow me down. I refrained. My other goal was to jog the entire time, no walking. That didn’t happen. I stopped 4 different times to walk and catch my breath. I only allowed myself about 30 steps of walking before I made myself get back to jogging. Each time I walked I thought that would be what kept me under the 40 minutes. Constant thoughts of “I can’t do this…I am seriously going to die” ran through my head the ENTIRE time. Letting that fear of failure overtake my confidence was discouraging. The song “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” came on the ipod and I kept replaying that song until the finish line.

·        Jogging down Main Street I was counting the number of blocks I still had to go. Four…okay three more…I can do this…two…I see my BFF cheering me on…one more…faster, faster…tears of happiness are filling my eyes because I can’t believe that I did it! I made it! Stop the Run Keeper…my time? 34 minutes and 59 seconds! What an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment! Now I’m ready for the next 5k!

WOD (Workout of the Day)

·        School workouts will resume once school is back in session!

Ponder this…

·        The fear we have in our minds about not being able to accomplish something most often takes over what our bodies could actually accomplish. Our minds give up well before our bodies ever will. When we do something we never thought we could do in a million years, it builds our self-esteem. It helps give us that warrior-like attitude…I CAN do this! I AM a WARRIOR! Put on your warrior caps this week and do something that you never thought you could!

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